No one should go hungry. Volunteers from the church and friends staff the Food Pantry two days a week (Tuesday and Wednesday) to serve city residents in need. Adding to the donations of non-perishable foods and personal hygiene items such as toothpaste, soap, and toilet paper, we purchase food from the Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia and local grocery stores. Grocery and monetary donations are always accepted. Read about the projects that extend the reach of this pantry.
1. Donated clothes, shoes, and household items are collected and given to a church that has a clothes closet to help the needy.
2. Hotel sized soaps and shampoos, etc, are donated to the Lighthouse or the JCOC to help the homeless.
3. During the school year you can use your link your Harris Teeter or Kroger rewards cards to benefit schools or charities of your choice.
4. Newspaper grocery store coupon handouts are collected to save money when buying stock for the Food Pantry.
5. Cloth, paper, and plastic bags are used in the Food Pantry or by clients. Extras are recycled.
6. Clean, empty prescription bottles are taken to the local SPCA veterinary clinic for re-use.
7. Empty egg cartons are used in our Food Pantry or taken to another food pantry.
8. Packing materials such as bubble wrap, packing peanuts or craft paper packing can be reused. We have two church members who use them in their businesses.
9. Adult and children's books and small knick-knacks are put on the "free shelf" in the hall for anyone who wants them, both congregation and Food Pantry clients.
10. We collect (charity) calendars, gift cards and other items to be given to the clients and congregation.